Francesco Gregori | Web developer - Web design

"In the digital age, being connected is not enough: you first need to have an identity. And not only on social networks but also in the world of information and online navigation, where anyone can see us. That's why having a self-image, nowadays, is everything: taking care of your website means preparing to face a working day, an event, a presentation. It's our way of presenting ourselves to the public who talk to us."

Last projects

Vaccino anti Covid-19 Regione Emilia-Romagna

Covid-19 vaccine portal for Emilia-Romagna Region

The information portal of the Emilia-Romagna Region dedicated to the Covid-19 vaccination campaig

Efua - European Form for Urban Agricolture

Efua - European Forum for Urban Agriculture

The website of the EFUA project, the European forum dedicated to urban agriculture, running from



WRITE is an ERC Starting Grant funded project investigating how the emergence of new forms of cal



Statistiche in tempo reale

Real-time statistics

The 'Google Analytics statistics' are the result of the well-known, completely free tool offered by Google to measure everything that happens on your site.

Incredibilmente responsive

Incredibly responsive

Your site will be able to adapt graphically automatically to the device, minimising the need for the user to resize and scroll through content.



When we talk about a multilingual site, we are basically referring to a site where the contents are translated into several languages.

Facile da usare

Easy to use

Your interaction with the system will be within everyone's reach. No computer background is required to use your website.

Meno plugins


The ability of IT systems to deliver services and information that can be used, without discrimination, even by those who require assistive technology or special configurations due to disabilities.



Visibility on search engines is the ultimate goal of a well-done website, to be achieved with a good SEO strategy and regular monitoring of statistics.

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