Covid-19 vaccine portal for Emilia-Romagna Region

Vaccino anti Covid-19 Regione Emilia-Romagna

Project realised with  D-sign S.r.l. Bologna(BO).

Vaccino anti Covid-19 Regione Emilia-Romagna

Covid-19 vaccine Emilia-Romagna Region

D-sign produces the information campaign on the regional plan for covid-19 vaccinations.

The teaser campaign 'The vaccine brings us closer' is developed in ADV and web and social banners and relies on the portal developed ad hoc:

For the information portal D-sign has studied the information architecture and information design to ensure clear communication of the difficult situation in progress, acting as a centre of up-to-date official information both for citizens who have to get vaccinated and for citizens waiting to know when the plan provides for the vaccination of their category. The graphic interface is developed taking into account the campaign image, accessibility and the guidelines on design for Public Administration issued by the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale.

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