Piattaforma di voto per Mercato Saraceno

The platform serves as the digital tool for citizen participation in the public life of Mercato Saraceno, through which it is possible to access processes of collaboration and care for common goods.

The participatory platform is intended as a civic network, a social network with civic objectives, designed to facilitate horizontal relationships between citizens and the Public Administration, and to stimulate engagement and collaboration based on interests, places, passions, needs, and resources.

The platform is aimed at all citizens of Mercato Saraceno equipped with SPID, the public digital identity system, who wish to participate in the public life of the city.

To participate in the active processes on the platform, it is necessary to register with one’s SPID. Users will be able to express preferences regarding consultations launched by the Public Administration, as well as make reports and/or advance proposals to share with the Administration and the rest of the community.

The participation platform was conceived and developed within Mercato TRIFASE, a participatory process funded in 2020 by Regional Law n. 15/2018 of the Emilia-Romagna Region, aimed at building a culture and a path for digital inclusion in the territory of Mercato Saraceno.